Provider Name Review
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Author & Guarantor Mr Xxxx Xxxx
Last Updated 7th March 2024
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We have thoroughly reviewed x and have given them a trust rating of x meaning that x is a recommended provider. This assessment has been made after detailed consideration of the facts and information listed below in accordance with our Trust Rating guidelines.
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Overall we have assessed x and decided to award them a trust rating of x meaning that x is a recommended provider. This assesment has been made after detailed consideration of the facts and information we have on this provider after substantial research.
We have thoroughly reviewed BOTB and have given them a Trust Rank of x, which means that this is a x competition site to deal with. In our review we have considered this providers user reviews and complaints, the companies estimated revenues and business size, genuineness, customer support quality, fairness of terms and conditions and compliance considerations. We have taken a close look a t how this provider runs their business and prize draws. x is or is not related to other businesses and its rating is affected by this. If you are wondering whether or not x is legit or a scam please read this review and other information related to this review to understand our reasoning. According to our resaerch x is a medium sized comp site in terms of revenues. revenues are a key factor as this affects the likelihood of the prize draws being run in a legitimate and fair manner.. We currently have 0 complaints about x and 0 complaints about companies related to it. Because of these complaints we have given this provider x black marks which will negatively affect their trust rank. You can find more information about the complaints and negative user reviews below in the user reviews section.. We caonsider the terms and conditions of this prive draw site to be fair or unfair.. Based on the information gathererd in this review we can conclusively say that x is a good or bad provider of prize draw competitons and you can expect to be treated well or badly there. The trust rank is a pre determined algorithm Ace Prize applies fairly to all providers in order to assess fairness and trustworthyness of providers for more information on our proprietry algirythm see Trust Rank explained.
3.5 out of 5 stars (based on 2 reviews)
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